CPD: Toilets for Everyone

CPD: Toilets for Everyone

CPD: Toilets for Everyone

About Event

Considerations for All Gender Toilets

Everyone has a right to go to the toilet. So why is it sometimes difficult to make this happen? The provision of All-Gender toilets goes part of the way to ensuring that everyone can access appropriate toilets, but how do we go about this? What are the considerations? What are the constraints? What are the solutions? This presentation will explore these issues and challenge some of the myths and stereotypes relating to the provision of All-Gender toilets.

Duration: 1 hour, plus Q & A

About the Speaker

Joe Manton


(Ms) Joe Manton is the Director of Access Institute and the inaugural Fellow of ACA. She is a pioneer in the access industry, developing and delivering the only nationally recognised qualification courses for the Certificate IV and Diploma of Access Consulting and the Assessor courses for Livable Housing, Specialist Disability Accommodation and Changing Places. Joe has worked with thousands of organisations Australia-wide in the provision of access consulting services and access and Universal Design training programs. Joe also works across local, state, and federal governments to provide advice and support to a wide range of stakeholders who are working towards improving access to the built environment. She is also currently working on the potential development of Gender Equity training to support access and inclusion in Australia.

Event Registration

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ACA Member
Price for ACA members
$66.00 N/A
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