Active member since 19 Oct 2023
ACA Member Number - 520
Steve Vandenberg has over 25 years’ experience and expertise in a wide range of access-related work, including accessible housing design, construction, consultancy and project management. He has a strong knowledge and experience in the health, disability, and construction sector. Steve is a qualified (Disability) Access Consultant, Project Manager and Architectural Draftsperson, providing design reviews, adVictoriae and access audits of the built and non-built environment at all stages of any project to enhance provision of access to all. This includes the assessment and certification of NDIS Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) and Livable Housing Australia (LHA) housing at both design and ‘as built’ phases. Steve has an understanding of disabilities, the associated issues around specific disabilities and what design responses can be implemented in a sustainable (including social, economic and environmental) and meaningful-to-client manner.