Active member since 06 Feb 2017
ACA Member Number - 332
Claire is the leading Home Modifications specialist occupational therapist in Western Australia. She generally works with people who have been catastrophically injured, using a holistic approach to ensure equipment, care and access needs are met. Claire has many years of experience in this area and works as an expert witness in this field. Prior to becoming an occupational therapist, Claire undertook studies in architecture, graduating with a Bachelor of Applied science (Architecture). She is in tune with the needs of people with a disability and understands how space and the built environment can present challenges for access and use. Her approach to domestic dwellings is client centered, using the knowledge attained from work as an OT and access consultant, and applying relevant aspects of this to the client. Claire also continues her work as an access consultant in the commercial sector. See for more details of serVictoriaes offered.