Richard Seidman
Richard Seidman has practised for more than 40 years in the built environment and has developed extensive skills and expertise in the residential, commercial, industrial, health, retail, education and transport industries.
Richard’s expertise has also been honed as part of the plan check role undertaken as part of the NBESP Social Housing Initiative undertaken for the Department of Human Services – Housing NSW.
IN 2010 Richard established iAccess Consultants a division of iAccess Group Pty Ltd. Since 2010 Richard has undertaken a wide range of Access consultancies for major clients and projects including:
- Health infrastructure
- Schools Infrastructure including an access audit of 120 schools across NSW
- Sydney Opera House
- Allianz Stadium
- Bradman Nobel and Messenger Stand (SCG)
- More than 10,000 NCC Class 2 dwellings of which more than 2500 dwellings were delivered as being adaptable or SEPP Seniors.
In April 2021 Richard presented at IMC17 (International and Mobility conference 17 – Sweden) on the following topics:
- Strategies for an Accessible Urban Public Domain
- Help! I cannot find my way – Braille Tactile Signage
- TGSIs – Assistance or hazard
More information is available on www.iaccess.net.au