Empowering Inclusion: Understanding Sensory Processing Disorder, Enhancing Communication Access and Promoting Disability Awareness

Empowering Inclusion: Understanding Sensory Processing Disorder, Enhancing Communication Access and Promoting Disability Awareness

Empowering Inclusion: Understanding Sensory Processing Disorder, Enhancing Communication Access and Promoting Disability Awareness

About Event


Sensory Processing Disorder: Gain insights into this complex condition and learn how to create sensory-friendly environments and sensory rooms that accommodate everyone’s needs.


Communication Access: Understanding communication elements and discover effective communication strategies, tools and training that benefit all communication parties; ensuring everyone feels heard and understood.


Training opportunities:

F2F training – Customer Service Excellence includes Disability Awareness, Communication Access, Sensory Processing Disorder, Guest Speaker and Q & A.

Online training – Communication Access & Awareness, Sensory Processing Disorder.

Training Programs coming soon:

  • Disability Day Service Providers – Set up and resourcing
  • SDA Homes – Visual resourcing
  • Organisations running All Ability Programs – Set up, resourcing including physical, sensory and communication considerations
  • Build your own Access Key – learn pillars of design, audience, assessment, design, features (comm board, maps, sensory guide)
  • Employers who are employing PWD – Set up, induction, resourcing including physical, sensory and communication considerations.


Access Ability Australia



About the Speaker

Maxine Parker


I am a co-founder and operator of Access Ability Australia, driven by a passion to reduce barriers for people with disabilities and promote inclusion.

Our systematic approach addresses a service gap, benefiting individuals with disabilities and the Australian economy.

Our commitment to the Social Model of Disability drives genuine inclusion, attitudinal shifts, and cultural change.

As someone living with hearing impairment, I understand the importance of our products and services in providing crucial information about accessing venues, locations and services as well as breaking down barriers.

We strive to promote community participation and equitable access.

Our clients benefit from becoming leaders in diversity and inclusion, creating long-term value for people with disabilities.

I oversee various aspects of our operations, including community engagement, disability awareness, quality management, customer focus, project management, stakeholder liaison, sales, marketing, and day-to-day operations.

Judy O’Connor

Creating Access Keys and starting Access Ability Australia was motivated by my desire to make a positive impact in the community, especially as a parent of a child with a disability.

I wanted to build something I could take pride in while ensuring that every person, regardless of their abilities, feels welcomed, valued, and cared for.

Access Ability Australia works to create a more inclusive environment by inviting organisations to showcase their offerings and provide better visitor information to people of all abilities through the use of Access Keys.

My role involves active community engagement, business support to increase disability awareness and inclusion, overseeing the development and implementation of a Quality Management System, managing projects, strong advocacy support and serving as the chief liaison officer with key stakeholders. By respecting our differences, Access Ability Australia aims to build a better and more inclusive community.

Event Registration

Bookings are closed for this event.
