Sarita Slater
Sarita Slater is a Speech Pathologist and Communication Access Coordinator at Scope’s Communication and Inclusion Resource Centre. Sarita supports businesses Australia wide to become accredited with the Communication Access Symbol. Sarita is passionate about building community awareness of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) and integrating Communication Access as a fundamental element to access and inclusion planning.
Scope Australia is one of the largest not-for-profit disability providers of services to over 8000 people with a disability nationally, with over 350 sites. Scope is the largest employer of people with communication disability nationally as access consultants and educators. Our mission is to enable each person we support to live as an equal and empowered citizen. Scope’s vision is to inspire and lead change to deliver best practices and better outcomes.
Domatic Access Pty Ltd are Disability Access Consultants that offer a wide range of tailored services to meet our client’s expectations and requirements throughout Melbourne and Victoria. We are dedicated to delivering access to everyone. Our guiding principle is that access shouldn’t be viewed only as a legal requirement, as it enables people with all disabilities to go about their lives with minimal barriers.